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Risks, Challenges, and Possibilities Building a Future in African Arts
Amanda M. Maples, Aaron Samuel Mulenga, Rachel Dixon Kabukala, Álvaro Luís Lima, Genevieve Hill-Thomas
African Arts (2024) 57 (2): 9–15.
research note
exhibition reviews
Dr. Lilian Mary Nabulime: Embodying Social Being curated by Dr. Lilian Mary Nabulime and Basak Tarman
African Arts (2024) 57 (2): 86–88.
Oubour curated by Vanessa Brito and Suspended spaces and Femmes d'Alger dans leurs nouveaux appartements curated by Vanessa Brito
African Arts (2024) 57 (2): 88–91.
book reviews
Cosmopolitanism and Women's Fashion in Ghana: History, Artistry and Nationalist Inspirations by Christopher L. Richards
African Arts (2024) 57 (2): 94–96.
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