Editorial Information
Wei Lu
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Website: http://statnlp.org/
Telephone: +65 6499 4784
Book Review Editor
Aline Villavicencio
Department of Computer Science
University of Sheffield
Regent Court (DCS)
211 Portobello
S1 4DP
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 114 222 1860
Squibs and Discussions Editor
Michael White
Department of Linguistics
Ohio State University
222B Oxley Hall 1712
Neil Ave, Columbus, OH 43210
tel: +1 614-292-9974
fax: +1 614-292-8833
Editorial Assistant
Muhammad Reza Qorib
National University of Singapore
Action Editors
Miguel Ballesteros, Amazon
Mohit Bansal, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kevin Duh, Johns Hopkins University
Xuanjing Huang, Fudan University
Tal Linzen, New York University
Zhiyuan Liu, Tsinghua University
Saif M. Mohammad, National Research Council Canada
Preslav Nakov, Qatar Computing Research Institute
Myle Ott, Facebook AI Research
Giorgio Satta, University of Padua
Rico Sennrich, University of Zurich / University of Edinburgh
Ekaterina Shutova, University of Amsterdam
Sameer Singh, University of California, Irvine
Vivek Srikumar, University of Utah
Byron Wallace, Northeastern University
Nianwen Xue, Brandeis University
Min Zhang, Soochow University