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Anthony J. Clark
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Proceedings Papers
. isal2023, ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference69, (July 24–28, 2023) 10.1162/isal_a_00678
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Neural networks are often chosen as controllers in evolutionary robotics. In all but a few cases, neural networks are evolved from scratch. In this study, we investigate the effect of pretraining neural networks using a biologically inspired walking gait. We first generate joint angles for a walking gait using an inverse kinematics model. We then train a conventional feed-forward neural network to reproduce these joint angles. The pretrained model is used to seed an initial population of neural networks, which are coevolved along with the morphology of a quadrupedal robot using Lexicase selection. Our initial results show that while pretraining does not necessarily lead to higher fitness at the end of evolution, it does lead to more consistent performance and more lifelike final behaviors. This exploration has left us with many questions about the importance and process of pretraining in evolutionary robotics, and we believe our results suggest the technique is worth further investigation.
Proceedings Papers
. isal2021, ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life57, (July 18–22, 2021) 10.1162/isal_a_00363
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Neural networks (NNs) are effective controllers for evolutionary robotics, imposing few limits on potential gaits. Morphology evolved with a controller enables brain and body to become tightly coupled. Typically, NN parameters (sometimes architectures) and animat bodies are randomly initialized at the start of evolution. In this paper, we pretrain NNs with supervised learning, bootstrapping NN outputs towards oscillating behaviors prior to evolution. We focus on quadrupedal gaits as they are well-studied in biology and several common gait patterns have been identified, named, and studied by the research community. We hypothesize that performance of evolved gaits will improve with pretraining compared to beginning evolution with randomly initialized NNs. Our results show that only some pretraining regimens outperform (in terms of distance traveled and viability) random initialization of NN parameters. Furthermore, some regimens introduce an initial bias that is difficult to overcome, resulting in better initial performance but worse performance in the long term.
Proceedings Papers
. isal2020, ALIFE 2020: The 2020 Conference on Artificial Life747-749, (July 13–18, 2020) 10.1162/isal_a_00253
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Digital simulation enables a wide variety of research and applications underlying the study of artificial life. In evolutionary robotics applications, the focus is often on maximizing performance of an animat for a specific task. Analyzing evolved behaviors can be challenging, however, given the complex coupling of morphology and brain. In this paper, we introduce a simulation environment built to investigate animats capable of smoothly transitioning between operating modes (e.g., from cautious to aggressive or from one physical form to another). The simulator provides functionality for logging sensory information as well as animat state enabling a deep analysis. Although more abstract than soft-body or rigid-body physics engines, it is lightweight and efficient, allowing for a high number of simulations in a small amount of time. The simulation supplements other more complex physics-based environments providing for greater inspection of sensor information and animat behavior. Furthermore, it is designed to provide an extensible test bed beyond just gait transitions to assess new artificial intelligence and evolutionary algorithms and more importantly the combination of these techniques.
Proceedings Papers
. isal2019, ALIFE 2019: The 2019 Conference on Artificial Life559-566, (July 29–August 2, 2019) 10.1162/isal_a_00221
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Animals interact with their environment softly through interaction of muscles, tendons, and rigid skeleton. By incorporating flexibility, they reduce ground impact forces and improve locomotive efficiency. Flexibility is also beneficial for robotic systems, although it remains challenging to implement. In this paper, we explore the addition of passive flexibility to a quadrupedal animat; we measure the impact of flexibility on both locomotive performance and energy efficiency of movement. Results show that spine and lower limb flexibility can significantly increase distance traveled when compared to an animat with no flexibility. However, replacing passively flexibile joints with actively controlled joints evolves more effective individuals with similar efficiency. Given these results, the number of joints and joint configuration appear to drive performance increases rather than just the addition of passive flexibility.
Proceedings Papers
. alife2012, ALIFE 2012: The Thirteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems325-332, (July 19–22, 2012) 10.1162/978-0-262-31050-5-ch043