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Antoine Cully
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Proceedings Papers
. isal2024, ALIFE 2024: Proceedings of the 2024 Artificial Life Conference48, (July 22–26, 2024) 10.1162/isal_a_00771
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Quality-Diversity (QD) approaches are a promising direction to develop open-ended processes as they can discover archives of high-quality solutions across diverse niches. While already successful in many applications, QD approaches usually rely on combining only one or two solutions to generate new candidate solutions. As observed in open-ended processes such as technological evolution, wisely combining large diversity of these solutions could lead to more innovative solutions and potentially boost the productivity of QD search. In this work, we propose to exploit the pattern-matching capabilities of generative models to enable such efficient solution combinations. We introduce In-context QD, a framework of techniques that aim to elicit the in-context capabilities of pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate interesting solutions using the QD archive as context. Applied to a series of common QD domains, In-context QD displays promising results compared to both QD baselines and similar strategies developed for single-objective optimization. Additionally, this result holds across multiple values of parameter sizes and archive population sizes, as well as across domains with distinct characteristics from BBO functions to policy search. Finally, we perform an extensive ablation that highlights the key prompt design considerations that encourage the generation of promising solutions for QD.
Proceedings Papers
. isal2024, ALIFE 2024: Proceedings of the 2024 Artificial Life Conference85, (July 22–26, 2024) 10.1162/isal_a_00827
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From the formation of snowflakes to the evolution of diverse life forms, emergence is ubiquitous in our universe. In the quest to understand how complexity can arise from simple rules, abstract computational models, such as cellular automata, have been developed to study self-organization. However, the discovery of self-organizing patterns in artificial systems is challenging and has largely relied on manual or semi-automatic search in the past. In this paper, we show that Quality-Diversity, a family of Evolutionary Algorithms, is an effective framework for the automatic discovery of diverse self-organizing patterns in complex systems. Quality-Diversity algorithms aim to evolve a large population of diverse individuals, each adapted to its ecological niche. Combined with Lenia, a family of continuous cellular automata, we demonstrate that our method is able to evolve a diverse population of lifelike self-organizing autonomous patterns. Our framework, called Leniabreeder, can leverage both manually defined diversity criteria to guide the search toward interesting areas, as well as unsupervised measures of diversity to broaden the scope of discoverable patterns. We demonstrate both qualitatively and quantitatively that Leniabreeder offers a powerful solution for discovering self-organizing patterns. The effectiveness of unsupervised Quality-Diversity methods combined with the rich landscape of Lenia exhibits a sustained generation of diversity and complexity characteristic of biological evolution. We provide empirical evidence that suggests unbounded diversity and argue that Leniabreeder is a step toward replicating open-ended evolution in silico.
Proceedings Papers
. isal2023, ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference4, (July 24–28, 2023) 10.1162/isal_a_00566
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Exploration is a key challenge in Reinforcement Learning, especially in long-horizon, deceptive and sparse-reward environments. For such applications, population-based approaches have proven effective. Methods such as Quality-Diversity deals with this by encouraging novel solutions and producing a diversity of behaviours. However, these methods are driven by either undirected sampling (i.e. mutations) or use approximated gradients (i.e. Evolution Strategies) in the parameter space, which makes them highly sample-inefficient. In this paper, we propose Dynamics-Aware QD-Ext (DA-QD-ext) and Gradient and Dynamics Aware QD (GDA-QD), two model-based Quality-Diversity approaches. They extend existing QD methods to use gradients for efficient exploitation and leverage perturbations in imagination for efficient exploration. Our approach takes advantage of the effectiveness of QD algorithms as good data generators to train deep models and use these models to learn diverse and high-performing populations. We demonstrate that they outperform baseline RL approaches on tasks with deceptive rewards, and maintain the divergent search capabilities of QD approaches while exceeding their performance by ∼ 1.5 times and reaching the same results in 5 times less samples.
Proceedings Papers
. isal2020, ALIFE 2020: The 2020 Conference on Artificial Life273-282, (July 13–18, 2020) 10.1162/isal_a_00316
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Quality-Diversity optimisation algorithms enable the evolution of collections of both high-performing and diverse solutions. These collections offer the possibility to quickly adapt and switch from one solution to another in case it is not working as expected. It therefore finds many applications in real-world domain problems such as robotic control. However, QD algorithms, like most optimisation algorithms, are very sensitive to uncertainty on the fitness function, but also on the behavioural descriptors. Yet, such uncertainties are frequent in real-world applications. Few works have explored this issue in the specific case of QD algorithms, and inspired by the literature in Evolutionary Computation, mainly focus on using sampling to approximate the ”true” value of the performances of a solution. However, sampling approaches require a high number of evaluations, which in many applications such as robotics, can quickly become impractical. In this work, we propose Deep-Grid MAP-Elites, a variant of the MAP-Elites algorithm that uses an archive of similar previously encountered solutions to approximate the performance of a solution. We compare our approach to previously explored ones on three noisy tasks: a standard optimisation task, the control of a redundant arm and a simulated Hexapod robot. The experimental results show that this simple approach is significantly more resilient to noise on the behavioural descriptors, while achieving competitive performances in terms of fitness optimisation, and being more sample-efficient than other existing approaches.
Proceedings Papers
. alife2014, ALIFE 14: The Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems156-157, (July 30–August 2, 2014) 10.1162/978-0-262-32621-6-ch026
Proceedings Papers
. alife2014, ALIFE 14: The Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems146-147, (July 30–August 2, 2014) 10.1162/978-0-262-32621-6-ch024