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Author Posting Guidelines

Below are MIT Press' author guidelines and requirements for posting and archiving journal articles published in MIT Press journals. Articles published in any MIT Press Journal under a CC BY license may be posted without restriction, provided that proper attribution according to the terms of the license are followed. Otherwise, please follow our guidelines listed below.

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Posting Policies by Publishing Timeline:

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Open Access Compliance Policy for MIT Faculty Authors:

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Embargo Periods:

In the list below, please find the journal in which your article will be published and note the correct embargo period. An embargo is a period during which the author may not make the final published version of their work public in any way, such as submitting it to an institutional or governmental repository or posting to a personal website. The Embargo period is calculated from the date the final version of record is posted to the MIT Press website. Please note that any dates for any “Just Accepted” or “Early Access” versions of the article do not count towards this embargo period. If you have questions about a specific embargo date, please contact

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Q: What about multi-authored articles?

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Q: What about illustrations?

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For example:

  • A photo of a painting should have a credit line listing both the artist and the photographer.
(Sample: © 2013 John Smith. Photo by Chris Johnson)
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(Sample: © 2013 John Smith. Translated by Chris Johnson). Alternatively, a note mentioning the translator can be included in footnotes, the introduction, or another suitable location.

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MIT Press Research Data Policy


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Data: Material that contains information directly supportive of the results reported in a published article. In practice, data falls into one of two categories:

  • generated: Included or referenced data that were generated for the study
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Data Availability Statement (DAS): A statement indicating where to find data supporting the results reported in a published article, how and under what conditions that data can be accessed, and the various types of data associated with an article. If the data cannot be made available, an explanation for why should be included in the statement.

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How to submit Data

The MIT Press recognizes two methods for submitting data:

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For additional examples and background on how to cite data, please see:

Data Restrictions

The MITP Presses recognizes that there may be cases in which it is not ethically or legally possible to share data directly. In such cases authors should still provide a DAS, which should include information regarding the reason(s) for omission and, if possible, how the data can be accessed. For example, the statement should indicate if it’s been omitted due to privacy restrictions and whether it is available on request or through a third party.

What to Include in a Data Availability Statement

The purpose of a DAS is to help others find the data used to support the findings in a paper. The specific information included in a DAS will vary depending on the type of research, however it is recommended practice to include:

  1. The type(s) of generated or analyzed data.
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If any generated or analyzed data is not publicly available, the DAS should provide reasons for the omission as well as, if possible, instructions for how it may be accessed.

More information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above policy as it applies to a specific MIT Press journal, please contact the journal’s editorial office. The contact information for each editorial office can be found on the journal’s editorial page. If you have any general questions or concerns about the MIT Press data availability policy, please contact us.

Further Reading

Data Citation Synthesis Group: Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles. Martone M. (ed.) San Diego CA: FORCE11; 2014 [].

Cousijn et al, 2017. A Data Citation Roadmap for Scientific Publishers. BioRxIV, DOI:

Crossref. Crossref Data & Software Citation Deposit Guide for Publishers

The data policy was updated on June 19, 2019.

Author Reprints

To place an author reprints order, please use our online ordering system. You will need all of the following information to place your order:

  • Title of the journal
  • Volume and issue number*
  • Page range*
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  • Article title

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Publishing Open Access

For full information on publishing open access in MIT Press journals, please see MIT Press Journals Open Access

AI Tools

Policy on the use of AI tools by MIT Press authors and peer reviewers

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Usage of large language models or other artificial intelligence tools to assist in the peer review process is strictly prohibited. 

MIT Press ORCID Policy


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Why ORCID iDs Matter

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ORCIDs and MIT Press

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The policy was updated January 2021.

NIH Public Access Policy

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Submission: Your paper must be submitted to PubMed Central within 12 months of publication. We have assigned journal-specific embargo periods, which will determine when your paper will become live on the PubMed Central site. Upon submission, please enter our journal specific embargo period into the "Release delay" field, on the "Review and Approve Submission" page in the NIH Submissionportal.

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Author Discounts

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