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Editorial Info

Aims and Scope

Neurobiology of Language provides a new venue for articles across a range of disciplines addressing the neurobiological basis of speech and language. Offering open access publishing, rigorous double-anonymized peer review, and quick turnaround times for authors, the journal aims to facilitate the replicability of experimental findings through modern open science requirements such as sharing of raw data and detailed methods.
Sponsored by the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, the journal invites innovative work that significantly advances the understanding of language mechanisms as implemented in the human brain. Topics of interest include the biological foundations of perceptual, cognitive, motor, and linguistic processes used to produce and understand language in children and adults, and in healthy individuals and those with brain disorders. Work on the evolutionary basis of the brain mechanisms of language in other animals, and in neural computation, are also germane. The editors welcome articles drawing on a range of methods including, but not limited to, behavioral paradigms, functional and structural neuroanatomy, genetics, extracranial and intracranial brain stimulation and recording, and brain-computer interfaces. They also encourage submissions in the form of novel experimental studies, clinical and nonclinical trials, replication studies, computational and theoretical models, and review articles.


The mission of Neurobiology of Language is to advance research and to disseminate knowledge about the neurobiological basis of language processing in the human brain. Our specific goals include: Publishing and disseminating work of the highest scientific standards; evaluating potential contributions using a fair peer-review system led by an editorial board composed of scholars from the many disciplines involved in investigating the brain basis of language; providing scientists from different perspectives and methodological approaches with a platform to exchange ideas, ask questions, and debate critical issues leading to a better understanding of the neurobiology of language.

Editorial Policy

Manuscripts submitted to the Neurobiology of Language will be entered into Editorial Manager, an online manuscript submission and peer-review tracking system. Initially, submissions will be reviewed by the Managing Editor and the Editors in Chief, with optional consultation from one or more Senior Editors. If the content of the submitted manuscript meets the journal’s guidelines in scope, significance, and ethics, it will be assigned to a Senior Editor with the appropriate expertise, who will serve as handling editor during the evaluation process.

The handling editor will be responsible for all aspects of the review process, including (i) inviting independent referees to review the manuscript; (ii) evaluation of those reviews and development of an initial decision; and (iii) communication of the decision and the reasons for that decision to the author.

In all cases, Referees will be selected based on their expertise in the topic of the article and their ability to objectively evaluate the manuscript. These referees will include both senior scholars and early career investigators, and the Senior Editor handling the manuscript will ensure the utmost integrity and rigor to the process. In no case will a candidate referee with a conflict of interest participate in the review process.

The review process will be double-anonymized – to the extent that this is possible – with referees and authors’ names and affiliations kept confidential. In the event that a Senior Editor handling a manuscript elects to coordinate a consensus review process, and a paper is ultimately accepted, that Editor will be encouraged to publish the consensus review along with the published manuscript, and to sign the consensus review on behalf of the reviewing team.

The Managing Editor and the Editors in Chief are available at each stage to provide handling editors with guidance and oversight of the process as a whole.


Steven L. Small, University of Texas at Dallas
Kate E. Watkins, University of Oxford

Managing Editor

Salomi S. Asaridou, University of Oxford

Assistant Managing Editor

Annette Glotfelty, University of Texas at Dallas

Senior Editors

M. Florencia Assaneo, National Autonomous University of Mexico
Michal Ben-Shachar, Bar Ilan University
Yanchao Bi, Beijing Normal University
Jeffrey Binder, Medical College of Wisconsin
Stefano F. Cappa, Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia
Manuel Carreiras, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language
Edward F. Chang, University of California, San Francisco
David Corina, University of California, Davis
H. Branch Coslett, University of Pennsylvania
Jenny Crinion, University College London
Michele T. Diaz, Pennsylvania State University
Anthony S. Dick, Florida International University
Karen Emmorey, San Diego State University
Evelina Fedorenko, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Simon E. Fisher, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Julius Fridriksson, University of South Carolina
Nadine Gaab, Harvard University
Narly Golestani, University of Vienna & University of Geneva
Peter Hagoort, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Roy H. Hamilton, University of Pennsylvania
Erich Jarvis, The Rockefeller University
Marc Joanisse, The University of Western Ontario
Ingrid Johnsrude, The University of Western Ontario
Denise Klein, McGill University
Sonja Kotz, Maastricht University
Matthew A. Lambon-Ralph, University of Cambridge
Mairead MacSweeney, University College London
Alec Marantz, New York University
Angela Morgan, University of Melbourne
Riikka Möttönen, University of Helsinki
Jonathan Peelle, Northeastern University
Marcela Peña Garay, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
David Poeppel, New York University
Cathy J. Price, University College London
Liina Pylkkanen, New York University
Josef P. Rauschecker, Georgetown University
Riitta Salmelin, Aalto University
Sophie Scott, University College London
Rik Vandenberghe, University of Leuven
Suiping Wang, South China Normal University
Janet F. Werker, University of British Columbia
Stephen M. Wilson, The University of Queensland
Patrick C. M. Wong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Robert Zatorre, McGill University

Senior Editors for Innovation

Uri Hasson, University of Trento
Jeremy Skipper, University College London

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