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“Now I Get It!”: Eureka Experiences During the Acquisition of Mathematical Concepts
Open Mind (2024) 8: 17–41.
The Missing VP Illusion in Spanish: Assessing the Role of Language Statistics and Working Memory
Open Mind (2024) 8: 42–66.
Expecting the Unexpected: Infants Use Others’ Surprise to Revise Their Own Expectations
Open Mind (2024) 8: 67–83.
Davinci the Dualist: The Mind–Body Divide in Large Language Models and in Human Learners
Open Mind (2024) 8: 84–101.
The Accuracy and Precision of Memory for Natural Scenes: A Walk in the Park
Open Mind (2024) 8: 131–147.
Systematic Human Learning and Generalization From a Brief Tutorial With Explanatory Feedback
Open Mind (2024) 8: 148–176.
Infants Infer Social Relationships Between Individuals Who Engage in Imitative Social Interactions
Open Mind (2024) 8: 202–216.
It’s All in the Interaction: Early Acquired Words Are Both Frequent and Highly Imageable
Open Mind (2024) 8: 309–332.
Preliminary Evidence for Global Properties in Human Listeners During Natural Auditory Scene Perception
Open Mind (2024) 8: 333–365.
The Role of Uniform Textures in Making Texture Elements Visible in the Visual Periphery
Open Mind (2024) 8: 462–482.
On the Role of Loopholes in Polite Communication: Linking Subjectivity and Pragmatic Inference
Open Mind (2024) 8: 500–510.
Does Distance Matter? How Physical and Social Distance Shape Our Perceived Obligations to Others
Open Mind (2024) 8: 511–534.
Examining the Impact of Reading Fluency on Lexical Decision Results in French 6th Graders
Open Mind (2024) 8: 535–557.
Two Determinants of Dynamic Adaptive Learning for Magnitudes and Probabilities
Open Mind (2024) 8: 615–638.
Instruction on the Scientific Method Provides (Some) Protection Against Illusions of Causality
Open Mind (2024) 8: 639–665.
Toward the Emergence of Intelligent Control: Episodic Generalization and Optimization
Open Mind (2024) 8: 688–722.
A Phone in a Basket Looks Like a Knife in a Cup: Role-Filler Independence in Visual Processing
Open Mind (2024) 8: 766–794.
A Continuity in Logical Development: Domain-General Disjunctive Inference by Toddlers
Open Mind (2024) 8: 809–825.
Action Interpretation Determines the Effects of Go/No-Go and Approach/Avoidance Actions on Stimulus Evaluation
Open Mind (2024) 8: 898–923.
The Limitations of Large Language Models for Understanding Human Language and Cognition
Open Mind (2024) 8: 1058–1083.
Introducing Mr. Three: Attention, Perception, and Meaning Selection in the Acquisition of Number and Color Words
Open Mind (2024) 8: 1129–1152.
The Anatomy of Iconicity: Cumulative Structural Analogies Underlie Objective and Subjective Measures of Iconicity
Open Mind (2024) 8: 1191–1212.
Perceptual, Semantic, and Pragmatic Factors Affect the Derivation of Contrastive Inferences
Open Mind (2024) 8: 1213–1227.
Infants Produce Optimally Informative Points to Satisfy the Epistemic Needs of Their Communicative Partner
Open Mind (2024) 8: 1228–1246.
Word Repetition and Isolation are Intertwined in Children’s Early Language Experiences
Open Mind (2024) 8: 1330–1347.
Webcams as Windows to the Mind? A Direct Comparison Between In-Lab and Web-Based Eye-Tracking Methods
Open Mind (2024) 8: 1369–1424.
Electrophysiology Reveals That Intuitive Physics Guides Visual Tracking and Working Memory
Open Mind (2024) 8: 1425–1446.